Monday, January 4, 2016

Week #47 - A Christmas Letter from President Brown

Technical difficulties this week resulted in pictures only, no family email, but we did receive a beautiful Christmas letter from President Brown:


Jamaica Kingston Mission
4 Garelli Avenue
Kingston 10
Phone:  1-876-618-1625

Dear missionary parents,

There are not words to express our gratitude for the generous donations and packages received from you this season.  Every elder and sister serving here at Christmas received packages and mail, and thanks to your assistance, not one was left out, not one was without a gift to make Christmas special for them. 

This year each zone had a Christmas program focused on the birth of the Savior.  Sister Brown and I were able to spend a few minutes talking about the Savior’s birth and expressing our love to the missionaries. Following the program, we enjoyed a Christmas dinner prepared and served by Sister McPherson and Sister Medley.  They served a traditional Jamaican dinner of chicken, ham, rice and peas, potato salad, Jamaican vegetable, Jamaican pudding cake and ice cream.  

After dinner, Elder Havili, Elder Jarvis and I donned our Santa hats and distributed all of the packages.  As names were called out, there were smiles, and looks of surprise from some who thought there would be no gifts for them. We have captured some of the fun with pictures. We wish you could have shared in the sounds as well, but rest assured that your contributions were of great value in making each Christmas party a wonderful event for all of our missionaries. 

Jesus Christ is the true gift of Christmas.  That fact cannot be denied.  But as we stood and looked on your sons and daughters, it was very clear that they too are God’s gift to mankind. They are also part of the true gifts of Christmas as they represent the Savior of the world in their mission to the Caribbean people.

With sincere appreciation,            

President Kevin G. Brown
Jamaica Kingston Mission

President Santa (Brown) and a few of his elves!

Cody and his companion, Elder Sandmaier across from him,
Pretty sure two more are housemates but no clue of names yet!

It's a Christmas miracle... Elder Graham is singing.  Voluntarily.

Merry Christmas from the North Coast Zone!

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